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Reiki healing
Nyhet! Välj mellan enbart Reiki healing och Reiki healing inkl Reiki upplevelse (guidad meditation)
Michael Zenesty
Reiki master & Medium
Upplev Reiki i din egen miljö eller i min studio. Under behandlingen kan du ligga eller sitta bekvämt, och lugn musik kan spelas i bakgrunden. Det är fördelaktigt att stanna kvar en stund efteråt i känslan, eftersom Reikin fortsätter arbeta med dig även efter behandlingen.
Time : 45 minutes
Where: distance via Zoom or physically in the studio (Skåne, Sweden).
Cost: SEK 520 (Also available as a package, as below)
Reiki healing
Harness the power of universal energy for physical and mental well-being
I warmly welcome you to book Reiki healing. It is fine to choose between a treatment in my studio or via a distance meeting. It is a great opportunity to receive healing energies no matter where you are. By being in your own room or in a location of your choice and allowing yourself to relax, you can experience the same benefits as a physical treatment. You have the freedom to choose whether to sit or lie down during the session, as long as you can relax completely. In healing, communication takes place via energy and intention, and no previous experience is required to be able to receive healing. Many people feel different physical sensations during the session, such as warmth, tingling or cold depending on what needs to be processed inside them. It also happens that you don't feel any bodily sensations at all - it's okay if your body wants to fall asleep during the treatment; the effect is equally strong regardless. Regardless of whether the meeting takes place in the studio or remotely, I will begin the treatment with a short conversation, which will serve as a preparation before the healing session begins. The healing continues to affect you for several days, so try to maintain your inner presence and reflection. Feel free to support your body by drinking plenty of water afterwards. The healing works at the cellular level, and when your system needs cleansing, the water helps the body in this process. Regardless of whether you choose a meeting in the studio or a remote meeting, you are always warmly welcome to ask questions about the energy work, your development, or if you want to share your experiences from the session.
Reiki healing is a holistic form of treatment that has been proven effective in promoting relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, and supporting the body's own healing abilities. This method involves channeling universal energy, which creates balance in energy flows, increases energy levels and contributes to a sense of well-being. Reiki healing can also relieve physical pain and improve sleep quality, making it a versatile treatment for both physical and mental health.
Regular use of Reiki healing can lead to increased inner peace, harmony, and better balance in body and mind.
Reiki treatments are today classified as rehabilitative health care.
This means that you can use your wellness allowance for Reiki treatments.
Ett exempel på hur en Reiki session kan gå till i Studion
Videon är en förkortad version av en behandling, som pågår ca 30 minuter. Kunden har godkänt att medverka i videon.

Reiki healing Distans
35 min • SEK 450 / Payable with plan

Reiki healing distans inkl upplevelse
1 hr • SEK 700

Reiki healing i Studion
1 hr • SEK 750 / Payable with plan

Skicka ett meddelande via epost eller ett SMS till mig om du vill ha en annan tid än de som finns bokningsbara, så hittar vi tillsammans en tid som passar.

Of 1278 people who received Reiki, 90% experienced improvement in pain, anxiety, general condition, difficulty sleeping and nausea.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, Vol 38
82.6% received help from Reiki for low mood, anxiety, anxiety, depression and pain.
Intergrative Cancer Therapies, Vol 13(1), 2014