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Michael Zenesty

Unlock inner peace and healing with Spiritual guidance or Reiki Healing


I offer Spiritual guidance, Reiki healing and private readings. With clients from all over the world, you can book a session with me online no matter where you are. New times are released every month. If you have a short question and want guidance, you can now also call me via my Medial Tarot line. If you are unsure, you can book a free meeting, and we will go over which service might be best for you.

- Build your own guide with me

When we are faced with challenges, uncertainty or negative thought patterns, it can be difficult to know what the next step will be. Through medial guidance, you get the opportunity to explore your feelings, thoughts and life choices on a deeper level. With my intuitive ability and insight, I can guide you through difficult situations and give you perspective on your situation. It can help you identify patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you and thereby help you break negative thought patterns.

Skräddarsydd egentid
Medial Tarotlinje

Gratis konsultation

Det kan vara svårt att avgöra vilken av mina tjänster som kan passa dig. Andlig coachning är ett utmärkt sätt att belysa det som blockerar dig just nu, och här hittar vi ett sätt för dig, via kanalisering av andevärlden och tarotvägledning, hur du ska agera och vad resultatet kan bli. Reiki healing är också ett utmärkt verktyg för att hjälpa till att lösa blockeringar i ditt energifält och fysiska kropp.

Boka en kostnadsfri konsultation nedan, så går vi tillsammans igenom vad som passar dig bäst.

Citrus Fruits

Reiki healing

Reiki healing

Utnyttja kraften i universell energi för fysiskt och andligt välbefinnande.

Reikihealing är en form av alternativ terapi som har sitt ursprung i Japan i början av 1900-talet. Ordet "Reiki" kommer från två japanska ord - "rei" som betyder universellt liv och "ki" som betyder energi.

Oavsett om du vill lindra fysisk smärta, minska stress eller helt enkelt förbättra ditt allmänna välbefinnande, erbjuder Reiki healing en säker och effektiv lösning. Med mina 25 års erfarenhet av Reiki-healing och engagemang för att hjälpa andra, är jag fast besluten att tillhandahålla högsta kvalitet på vård och stöd till alla mina klienter. Omfamna den transformativa kraften i Reiki-healing och upplev de djupa fördelar det kan ge ditt liv.

Reiki som friskvård

Reikimetoden kan räknas om en friskvårdsmetod enligt Skatteverkets regler – både som behandling och som utbildning för självhjälp. Det innebär att kostnaden för arbetsgivare är avdragsgill enligt de gängse reglerna, och att det då är en skattefri förmån för arbetstagaren. Den som är sjukskriven har också chans att få ersättning för behandlings- och kurs-kostnader av Försäkringskassan.

What is spiritual coaching?
Whether you are facing a major life decision, struggling with a challenging situation, or simply seeking guidance on your spiritual path, it can be difficult to know how to move forward. As a medium, I share messages from spiritual guides to help you overcome obstacles and start creating a more joyful life. Through my work, I have seen firsthand the power of spiritual coaching in providing clarity, healing, and reassurance to those in need.

Spiritual guidance

How I work

It is very individual how a medium works. Everyone has different strengths and knowledge about different things in the spiritual dimension. Many are broad in their way of working and can capture many different kinds of sensations from the other side. When many mediums work medially, they follow their intuition, get images, feelings, taste, smell, scent, direct knowledge and physical sensations. The messages can come as direct knowledge, from guides, angels, masters or other pure energies in the Universe. It can be about the past, present and future.

I will open up to the spirit world and see what it has to convey to you. I will also use tarot cards, to give you guidance in the present and what you have in front of you.

During the session, you may be asked to reflect on specific questions or situations in your life, but it is important to remember that the guidance you receive is not about judgment or right and wrong. Instead, the spiritual team is there to guide you towards your highest good and help you align with your true nature and life path.

The meeting can take place in Swedish or English.

Michael Zenesty
Fortfarande liv

Spiritual coaching at a distance, via phone or online video meeting

Spiritual coaching at a distance can be via phone or online video meeting. When you book a spiritual guidance, you get to choose how we will meet. Do you live eg outside Region Skåne in Sweden, distance via phone or video meeting (Zoom) is common.

We have customers from all over the world and being seen online is rarely an obstacle, it works very well!

Also on site
If you live nearby or in Lund, Sweden, you are also warmly welcome to book online and visit on site.

Louise Sjöberg, SW

“I have had the privilege of using Michael Zenesty's digital ministry in the spiritual and spiritual realm, and I must say it has been an incredibly enriching experience. Through their guidance, tips and tools, I have gained a deeper understanding of myself and my spiritual path. The service is professionally designed and the Michael Zenesty team has shown a genuine concern for my development and well-being. I highly recommend Michael Zenesty to anyone seeking guidance and support on their spiritual journey."

Musarat, UK

"I had a reading with Michael today and it was really good I really liked the reading it was really helpful I asked some questions about someone who I was worried about and I got quite a lot of information about them this reading was really accurate and it resonates with me thank you so much for helping me I really appreciate your help and guidance thank you from musarat."

Jane, US

“Thank u ur guidance appreciated.”

Jen, FI

"En fin reading. Fick samma budskap/kontakt med samma person som ett tidigare medium hade fått. Kändes bra med en extra bekräftelse. Fick även kontakt med en av mina guider. Tack!"

Gabriella, SW

"Extremely talented! Answered all my questions honestly. Feels like some blockages were dissolved. Will be walking around all day with a smile on my face, knowing that one of "my" dogs showed up!!"

Louise Sjöberg, SW

“I have had the privilege of using Michael Zenesty's digital ministry in the spiritual and spiritual realm, and I must say it has been an incredibly enriching experience. Through their guidance, tips and tools, I have gained a deeper understanding of myself and my spiritual path. The service is professionally designed and the Michael Zenesty team has shown a genuine concern for my development and well-being. I highly recommend Michael Zenesty to anyone seeking guidance and support on their spiritual journey."

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